How will I know when it is time?

Our hearts go out to you as you are faced with saying goodbye to your beloved pet. We understand how difficult it is to reach out as you face saying goodbye to your precious fur-baby. Saying goodbye to our best friends is one of the hardest things we face. What we know is that no matter how long we have our fur-babies for, is that it will never be long enough.

Although for many it can be an uncomfortable topic to discuss, saying goodbye does not have to be a painful or frightening experience for our animal companions or ourselves. Our vet team have dedicated their careers to helping families through the difficult goodbye journey, and the At Home Vet team consider it a true privilege to help you at this special time.

The following are some practical tools as you begin this incredibly difficult journey to say goodbye to your beloved fur baby: Quality of life assessment tools:

How Do I Know When It's Time
University of Ohio State.

Quality of Life Scale
By Dr. Dani Veti.

HHHHHMM Pet Quality of Life Scale
By Dr. Alice Villalobos.

How do I know if my pet is in pain?

Is my Kitty painful?
Pain in cats
Pain in dogs

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